Thursday, March 19, 2009

Making the sausage

As the saying goes, Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.

It would seem that the "Change you can believe in" is ready to play the same old games. There's a completely retarded provision in the rules of the Senate and House that basically allows the majority party to ramrod through whatever legislation they want. It removes any chances of debate on a law and reduces the number of votes that are required to pass it. It's been used several times by both partys to pass things they knew wouldn't enjoy any bipartisan support.

And it's a corruption of the process.

This rule allows for the majority to completely disregard the elected representatives of a large chunk of the American populace. The Democratic controlled congress used it in the 1980's and early 1990s. The Republicans used it from the time they became the majority until they lost it again. Now it's rearing it's ugly head once again. No matter who is using it, it's wrong. It breaks the process that ensures dissenting voices are heard. It goes against everything our entire system of government is founded on. The premise that representatives from the many states will make the laws. This turns that on it's head by saying the representatives from some of the states will make the laws. You can learn more about this bastardization of the american system at wikipedia

But now on to my main point

The man whose tele-prompter told him that he would be a bipartisan president and go to Washington and change the business as usual mentality, is playing more business as usual.

The president and his democrat cronies know that their plans for cap-and-trade and universal healthcare (except for Veterans) will never stand the blinding light that would be shed on it if this were allowed to be debated. So they want to invoke "reconciliation". Which is, like most things that Congress names, is a misnomer.  (Good article at

Cap-and-trade is nothing more than a method to levy more taxes in the name of the environment. If you think these companies that get nailed by cap-and-trade aren't going to pass along those costs, you are a fool. The first thing you should remember is that businesses don't pay taxes. They collect taxes. Every business takes their cost of producing what they sell, add on some profit, and then add on whatever overhead the government decides it needs as a tithe. Then they use that as the price. You pay the taxes. They just collect them and send them to our governmental overlords.

Cap-and-trade is just an excuse wrapped in a cloak of environmentalism. Creating a new tax on the american public while sending out disinformation that it's just a tax on those evil businesses that produce the products you buy and the energy you use.

But the tax is on the American public. It effects everyone - even those poor and middle class folks that the tele-prompter claims he wants to help. Last time I checked, those folks need energy too.  It's going to cost upwards of $2 TRILLION dollars to do this.

But this is just stage one in a grander plan. Cap-and-trade the daylights out of business. Business raises it's prices. In the name of "Fairness" congress sets price limits (thereby further screwing over the open market). Business can't operate on those fixed prices. Government must nationalize the business to ensure the continued production. And the May Day parades begin.

We, as citizens, must express our displeasure with the president's efforts at ramrodding these deficit laden, ill conceived and badly timed ponzi schemes. Don't let them fool you - this is nothing more than an attempt to reach into your pocket and to gain more control over the free market and your life.

Don't let them do this. Not this way.

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