Friday, March 27, 2009

Obama Government Subsidizes Terrorists

Here it is!   I sarcastically mentioned this possibility a few weeks ago thinking that no one in their right mind would do this.   Boy was I wrong.   

If this bunch of naive socialists think this is going to be ok, what the hell are they going to do to our economy.   Obama has already shown that he is a failure with diplomatic relations.   He obviously believes his own press about how much the world loves him - but when he reaches out he gets smacked down.   

And now we will have terrorists living on our streets and paid for by Barack Obama.  I wonder if they'll get discount coupons for C4 and automatic weapons, too.

I guess that is a change.   Not so sure about the believing in it though.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The rest of the story....

With a tip of the hat to Paul Harvey who passed away at the end of February I bring you the rest of this story as told by someone inside AIG.  Someone who has been vilified by Government and the Public alike, and then abandoned by someone I had felt a lot of respect for.

Ed Liddy, new CEO of AIG, brought in to clean up the sins of the past.  Convinced a lot of people to work very hard for little to no pay with the promise of a brighter day.  

And he dropped them all like a hot potato at the first sign of push back.  

The first sign from the hypocrites on Capital Hill, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and the Attorneys General for Connecticut and New York.  The same hypocrites that know for a fact that these bonuses weren't for the same folks that caused the downfall.   That these bonuses were for the employees that stayed behind to clean up the mess instead of jumping ship like the rats the others were.  

The politicians knew this and played it out to the public as outrage.   They created the situation and then lit the fire of public outrage.   Death threats against the employees, their families, their children.   If anyone gets hurt the blame should lay squarely on Barack Obama and his cronies for setting this in motion.

Ed Liddy became what we already expect out of the likes of Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Rahmbo, and the rest.

And it's horribly disappointing.

Monday, March 23, 2009

An unfunny joke, overheard...

I'm standing in my local coffee shop this weekend and overhear two  fellas talking about how they're just gonna stop paying their mortgage and let the government cover it. <chuckle chuckle>

I'm sure they were just being sarcastic and pointing out how ridiculous the Teleprompter's plans are, but it struck as really unfunny and a sign that the Dems may be winning this war of attrition.

It started with President Bush and the Dem Congress shocking the daylights out of us with how many billions were being given away. Now we toss around sums like $788 Billion as if we're talking chump change. The Teleprompter is talking another Trillion dollars and has pretty much set up a budget that will hose future generations farther than the eye can see.

But don't worry. Those evil rich people will pay.

Did I mention I saw those two joking fellows each get into very high priced vehicles and head towards the local McMansion subdivision in the tony west end? Yeah. Those evil rich people are already getting tired of it.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Socialist Mobocracy?

Well - Obama and his Democrat cronies on the Hill have show that they are good at one thing.  Pushing the right buttons of their rabid followers who will then begin to form "enforcement groups".

Why in the world should the recipients of the bonuses at AIG (or anywhere else) need to be afraid?  They are employees at a company that is living up to contractual obligations and nothing more.   

They are not evil.  

They are not greedy.

They are not the problem.

The problem, of course, lies back in Washington.  The problem is that All of the President's Henchmen, in this giant effort to remake America, knew that the bonuses were protected in the legislation.   Lil Timmy Geithner knew.   Obama knew.  Dodd knew.  Frank knew.   The whole damn thing was inserted and protected at the last minute.   

Conspiracy Theorists should be having a hay-day with this.

I think the original insertion of the contract honoring provisions was there simply to make sure that AIG (and others) get to try and keep the best and brightest employees.  I think that was probably the right decision, although I think the head of AIG (and others) should look hard at what bonuses are being paid to whom.  But I think the heads of those companies need the leeway to run the companies as they see fit.

But that original proposition is over, as I'm sure Rahm and Axelrod have spun up Obama (and the Obamabots) to help rewrite history (1984 anyone?) and foment this anger to further get government's grip on business.  

It's a short leap from telling bailout companies how to run their business and then applying it to all businesses.   

And don't get me started on the punitive legislation that those thugs in the House have passed.  Pelosi and her posse have just shown how they are willing to punish small groups of people that do something they don't like.  Well, that should be, "don't like anymore", since they voted to allow it in the first place.

This disengenious at best, foolhardy and naive at worst, attempt to rewrite their own history and claim ignorance is just one more reason that Pelosi, Reid and Obama are a bad fit for America.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Congress and the AG meet LUC

Not at the same time and not together - but they are each making  gargantuanly stupid decisions

Let's start with AIG. As I was listening to a talk radio guy  (Doc Thompson, 1140AM, WRVA in Richmond, Va - 3pm-6pm) that I have a whole lot of philosophical commonalities with, he said something that struck me. He said that we should stop thinking of AIG as a recipient of government largesse and realize that we (American citizens) have basically bought a majority shareholder stake in a commercial enterprise. So you, I and every other American now owns 1/300,000,000th of 80% of AIG. AIG wasn't just given money, they sold us a stake. Unlike GM, they weren't loaned money. They sold us something - the hugely majority share of the company.

So that got me thinking. Of course, the scary part of that thought is how much our elected representatives will want to fiddle around with the company. But let's skip that fear for the moment. If you look at AIG you will see a highly profitable company that has been bitten in the ass by basically one division/department/business unit. They are a huge company with many successful lines of business. They have already replaced the CEO and what I would assume is the executive staff that were responsible for the downfall. So with that in mind we have to consider the big bonus dust up and the fiddling.

The President, the Congress, and pretty much everyone else needs to stop micro-managing these bailout companies. If they are to recover and stand on their own again they need top quality people. Should we be rewarding the folks that got those companies into this mess? Probably not. But let's not paint entire companies, or their employees, with the same brush. As an investor in many other companies, I don't pretend to know how to run them. We should not
pretend to know how to run AIG.

Taking Congress's newly announced taxes on not just these bonuses but the severely limited compensation potential for any company that has taken bailout money, they have effectively reduced the quality of the workforce they can hire. And by extension they are single handedly causing these companies to take even longer to recover, potentially causing them to need more bailout money, and putting our children even deeper in debt.

By pandering and fomenting this class warfare mentality the Obama Administration and politicians on Capital Hill are laying the groundwork for further economic meltdown. Which may just be the point.

On to the AG

In case you missed it, the Attorney General of the US is in the process of following the marching order to close down Gitmo. That has the big complication of what to do with all of the detainees that are current residents. Now keep in mind, these aren't folks that were caught in some white collar drag net, they weren't just sitting around in their home having dinner, they were on the field of battle and were captured. I wont' get into the discussion on whether they should classified as POWs, Enemy Combatants, or even detainees. Honestly,
that is not my concern at the moment.

My concern is that these folks have been captured in action against our troops and have been held in detention for a long time. Let's even take the far left view that all fo these fellas are "victims" and being wrongfully held against their will by the US government. So I imagine they don't like us very much whether they are rightfully or wrongfully being held. I know I wouldn't be a big fan of the US.

But the AG is actually considering releasing these fine folks into the US if they can't find another country that will take them.


How in the world can this be allowed to happen? We might as well offer up some government subsistence for terrorist cells. Let's get the CIA to start rounding up terrorists and holding networking sessions so they can meet their new compatriots. Since the Teleprompter President loves websites so much, maybe we can setup or maybe some job training so they don't blow themselves up before they reach their target.

We've already found that a large number of former Gitmo residents end up back in al-Qeada or the Taliban. What makes these lilly livered liberals think that would be any different if we dump them into American society?

And dont' get me started on how much money we surely will throw at them to "get their start" here in the US.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Straight from the horse's (teleprompter's) mouth

Now this is some funny stuff.   Sadly, it is a satirical statement on what is very much true....the sad part being the "true" and not the satirical.

Righteous Indignation for the Righteously Indignant

Dodd Blames Obama Administration for Change to Bonus Amendment

So, the folks that are so ticked about the bonuses were the one's that put in the loophole to allow them.    

One of the scariest paragraphs:

Other Democrats who voted for the stimulus bill have ramped up criticism of AIG’s bonuses, including Massachusetts Representative Barney Frank, the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, who told reporters, “I think the time has come to exercise our ownership rights."

These people are not to be trusted.

Making the sausage

As the saying goes, Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.

It would seem that the "Change you can believe in" is ready to play the same old games. There's a completely retarded provision in the rules of the Senate and House that basically allows the majority party to ramrod through whatever legislation they want. It removes any chances of debate on a law and reduces the number of votes that are required to pass it. It's been used several times by both partys to pass things they knew wouldn't enjoy any bipartisan support.

And it's a corruption of the process.

This rule allows for the majority to completely disregard the elected representatives of a large chunk of the American populace. The Democratic controlled congress used it in the 1980's and early 1990s. The Republicans used it from the time they became the majority until they lost it again. Now it's rearing it's ugly head once again. No matter who is using it, it's wrong. It breaks the process that ensures dissenting voices are heard. It goes against everything our entire system of government is founded on. The premise that representatives from the many states will make the laws. This turns that on it's head by saying the representatives from some of the states will make the laws. You can learn more about this bastardization of the american system at wikipedia

But now on to my main point

The man whose tele-prompter told him that he would be a bipartisan president and go to Washington and change the business as usual mentality, is playing more business as usual.

The president and his democrat cronies know that their plans for cap-and-trade and universal healthcare (except for Veterans) will never stand the blinding light that would be shed on it if this were allowed to be debated. So they want to invoke "reconciliation". Which is, like most things that Congress names, is a misnomer.  (Good article at

Cap-and-trade is nothing more than a method to levy more taxes in the name of the environment. If you think these companies that get nailed by cap-and-trade aren't going to pass along those costs, you are a fool. The first thing you should remember is that businesses don't pay taxes. They collect taxes. Every business takes their cost of producing what they sell, add on some profit, and then add on whatever overhead the government decides it needs as a tithe. Then they use that as the price. You pay the taxes. They just collect them and send them to our governmental overlords.

Cap-and-trade is just an excuse wrapped in a cloak of environmentalism. Creating a new tax on the american public while sending out disinformation that it's just a tax on those evil businesses that produce the products you buy and the energy you use.

But the tax is on the American public. It effects everyone - even those poor and middle class folks that the tele-prompter claims he wants to help. Last time I checked, those folks need energy too.  It's going to cost upwards of $2 TRILLION dollars to do this.

But this is just stage one in a grander plan. Cap-and-trade the daylights out of business. Business raises it's prices. In the name of "Fairness" congress sets price limits (thereby further screwing over the open market). Business can't operate on those fixed prices. Government must nationalize the business to ensure the continued production. And the May Day parades begin.

We, as citizens, must express our displeasure with the president's efforts at ramrodding these deficit laden, ill conceived and badly timed ponzi schemes. Don't let them fool you - this is nothing more than an attempt to reach into your pocket and to gain more control over the free market and your life.

Don't let them do this. Not this way.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Need I say more...

All hail the tele-prompter. The tele-prompter rules all. Especially
the facade that is Barack Obama.

In the future I'll be posting more short items that catch my interest.

After a long hiatus

I have pretty much remained silent since August of last year. The election was in full swing, Hillary was gone, and it was Obama and McCain in a cage match. And I went silent.

There are a lot of reasons for this, most of which have to do with not wanting to be just another voice in the wind talking about how both of these guys are pandering idiots, how the Presidential elections in the US have been absconded by the two parties that are in power, how the voice of reason has been usurped by the voice of far radical party wonks on both sides and how the American people, in the end, are given no real choices. Most importantly though, the more I rant the more I want to rant and the more I think about new rants - and that was just
taking too much of my mental process. Too much away from my family. Too much away from those things I should be spending more time thinking about - like family, work and family.

So why am I back?

Well, let's just say that current events are leading me to need a place to vent. To shout out at the top of my lungs that this new President is a shallow figure that is overly dependent on his tele-prompter, his advisors, and his naive view of the world. His disdain for those that have made something of themselves and those that have given of themselves to the protection of this country. His apparent need to have government run everything. His inability to manage
anything. His ever failing list of nominees that keep turning out to be failures and the one's that make it through the process turn out to be bumbling idiots.

Change you can believe in

Only if you think the same chuckleheads that were running the Clinton Administration can be called change. More like "Flashback you can believe in". It's the same tired story of wanting to redistribute wealth. Penalize those that work hard for what they have and give it those that don't. Free healthcare for everyone - except Veterans. Let's not let this crisis go by without making the most of it. Let's make sure that those that already pay 90% of the taxes can get jacked up to 95% of the taxes while we give rebates to those that don't pay any taxes. Let's take a time of serious economic uncertainly and what has to be reduced tax revenues and increase the size and cost of government exponentially. Let's tax businesses more. Let's remove
the incentive to be philanthropic and reduce the deduction on money you can give to charity. Let's create a government so large, so heavy, and so burdensome that the Kremlin would be proud. There's your change. I hope those of you that voted for this empty suit are

Give credit where credit is due

I must admit I do like - no love - how he has been able to marginalize Hillary Clinton. Put her in a Secretary of State, then assign his cronies to basically do her job in all of the hot spots so she doesn't really get any credit, and then wait for her to open he mouth so he can fire her. Either way, Hillary loses. She either has nothing to do with efforts on critical issues or she gets canned for insubordination. I'm sure it was Axelrod or Rahm's idea.


So I told myself that if I start doing this again I would just spend 20 minutes on any rant and when that was done, it's done. I'm there.  If there are typos and grammatical issues - I apologize - but this is all I have time for and editing just takes away from rant time.

Talk to you soon.