Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wave goodbye to the Republic.

If I were creative I'd come up with some sort of obituary bemoaning the beginning of the end.  But I'm not.   So I won't.

Instead - I'll talk about how we dodged a bullet with a the potential for filibuster proof senate.   Even though there were some "moderate" Republicans, there are also "moderate" Democrats and there was a chance that the truly crazy wouldn't go through.

That dream is over.

Arlen Spector, one of those "moderate" republicans, has switched sides.   Not because he decided that the Dems were the better party but because he knows his own republican constituents think he's an idiot and he won't be re-elected.

He's doing it to keep power.   To keep his job.   He's 79 friggin years old and has been there 30 years.  

And now he has potentially given the Dems the one thing this country can't very well afford.   A free pass on nearly any legislative thing they want.   The ability to ignore the representatives and senators that speak for millions of Americans.

All because Arlen Spector wants to hold power.

It's over folks.    Queen Nancy and Dirty Harry don't really have to worry about a thing.

Get ready for a legislative mugging.   Get ready to become a ward of the State.   Get ready to become part of the "middle class" by reducing everyone (except politicians of course) to a single class that happens to match what we now call poverty.   Get ready for breadlines and state run industry.   

Get ready......to say goodbye to the Republic.

UAW to own majority share in Chrysler?

Um - this article has struck me as funny.   Not "ha-ha" funny.  More like "hrrmmmm" funny.

It seems strange that a Union representing the workers would buy a majority share of a auto manufacturer and get a couple of seats on the Board.   At this point the Union becomes...uh, management.

So, if I were a Union Worker I would wonder who's interest will be at the forefront of the Union's mind.  If I were a shareholder, I would wonder the same thing.

And how is this not some sort of anti-trust issue?

The next question is how much of that 55% majority purchase is being held up with the government's "Public-Private Partnership"?   That would certainly be a fine payoff for the years and years of Union support given to Democrat candidates.   But that's just the suspicious  Conspiracy Theorist in me.

But isn't it convenient.

pssst....hey buddy....you haven't mentioned anything about how, uh, "connected" the Unions have been in the past and.......

Stop - I won't mention it at all.   I know what's good for me.   

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hey! I've got a great idea!

Let's fly a bunch of jets really low over NYC but not let the general population know about it.   It'll be fun!!

Seriously, WTF?

Someone in the Pentagon is gonna get their ass handed to em.   Or at least they should.   If you really wanted a photo of the President's plane flying over the Statue of Liberty with a fighter escort, I bet you coulda used this little known application called Photoshop.

In fact, I bet if you took all of the money spent on jet fuel alone, you could have paid the most badass photoshop guy on the planet to do it - and made it look like the prez was flying the thing - with (insert star/starlette of your choice) as a steward - being held aloft with flying monkeys - there might've been room to include Obama's ego in the picture as well.  (maybe not, that may have cost extra and would cause one HUGE pic with a teeny tiny plane in it)

But that would be too easy.   Let's scare the daylights out of 8 million residents of NYC so we have an authentic pic.   Let's not even tell the Mayor.  They have no need to know.

And the government is the one we want to hand over control of...well...anything.   

If this is indicative of their good decisions (and I'm sure it is - regardless of who is at the controls) then we need to start taking away their control and put it back where it belongs.

 With "we the People".

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's only for the liberals.....

Since the Tea Parties last week I've read and heard from many on the left as they attempt to marginalize the significance of those rallies.  And it's not just the media types from the New York Times, MSNBC or CNN.  Although they have been a good part of gleefully giving these folks a stage.

Everyone from shrill unfunny comedians (and a really bad actress) to Congressmen (and women) to the President's handlers have been working very hard to classify those that attended the rally as just a bunch of ignorant redneck right-wing extremists.  (Sounds like they're reading directly from that Homeland Security memo.   Coincidence?   I don't think so.)

I thought conservatives were the mean ones?

The most amazing thing is when they talk about how uncool it is to protest.  How it's only a racist foundation underlying the protests.    How it's un-American to protest.  How comparing the President to anything other than a hero is somehow mean and uncalled for.

I recall the past 8 years of another President being called every name in the book.  Being burned in effigy.  Being vilified even on those occasions he may have been right.    And I'm pretty sure that was those same folks that are now saying it's racist or un-American.  Strange.  Maybe not.

What they are missing is the fact that the citizens that were out there are not the professional protestor, overly emotional, whiney, or polarizing lefty.   They were the folks that normally just stay home and shake their heads in disbelief at the craziness of the left's antics.   Those attention-starved liberals that don't feel fulfilled unless every one of us is tortured with their opinion.

These are people that just work hard and do the things that need to be done.  

And now they see this as something that needs to be done.

Make no mistake.   We are all angry with the overspending of the Bush Admin.   We are all angry with the forecasted debt that the current President is about to foist on us.  All in the name of resolving an "emergency".   It's got to stop.  The Uncle Sam Gravy Train needs to be derailed.   The government needs to stop overstepping it's bounds and the mandate given by the founding fathers.

The Governor of Texas made a point about trying to force the Federal Government to abide by the 10th Amendment.  

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

To all the whiney libs out there - you're not the only one's entitled to your first amendment rights.  

To all the big government advocates - look out.   You've just activated what was a silent group of citizens that are willing to come together and speak in one voice.   

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hrmmm...What team does CNN play for?

Obviously not that of a free and unbiased press, journalistic ethics or integrity, or the rights of Americans to  Peaceably Assemble.    Yeah, that one is constitutionally protected.. that would be the first amendment, for those that have forgotten (pertinent section in bold):

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 

...perhaps CNN correspondents, Congress, and the entire Obama Admin can take "Remedial Liberty and Freedom 101" together.

These are the same folks that gleefully covered such family moments as war protesters burning our previous president in effigy.   Breaking windows and setting fires as the anarchists and professional protestors travelled to WTO meeting places.

But a man, holding his child, cannot respond to a direct question because the reporter keeps interrupting to debate him.    

The National Tea Party

Today is the day when all Americans are supposed to have sent in their tax filings which makes this the symbolically perfect day to protest what this Administration and Congress are doing to us.

I think it's pretty exciting to see the not-so-vocal side of our population start to make some noise.  I'm sure the left will discount it as some sort of flash in the pan, but they should remember one thing.

The people that are showing up today in support of the Tea Parties are not you standard protester.   They're not the "joiners" that the environmentalist, anarchist, "insert-your-cause-here-and-we'll-protest-ists".   

These are the middle class workers that are the backbone of America.  These are the people that quietly go about getting things done and not complaining about things while doing nothing.  These are the people that join the military, that are our police, fireman, and paramedics.  These are your plumbers, carpenters, and workmen.   These are the small business owners that provide the majority of jobs in the country.  

These are Americans.   True Blue.   Red Blooded.    Just get it done, Americans.

And we're tired of our government taking from us.  Taking and taking and taking.   Under the threat of imprisonment we are forced to fund every government folly and Congress does nothing.

And this isn't just an Obama thing.   In my opinion it doesn't matter whether your a Bush, a Clinton or an Obama.  You have all spent too much.   Asked too much.   And taken too much.

And now we're on the verge of taking on an additional debt that will be the yoke on our future generations shoulders.   Several generations.  Take a look at the quote to the right under Jefferson's picture.

So I implore you.  I beseech you.  I beg you.

Don't stop after today.  One day won't make a wit of difference.  A couple of hours hanging out at a bitch-a-thon and then resuming normal life is not the way to make a change.   And this is, for once, a change I can believe in.   This is a change we need our employees on Capital Hill and in the White House to understand it's importance.  It's significance.   

So stay in touch with those you meet today.   Keep the fire in your belly burning.   Stay in touch via websites and twitter and whatever other method you can.   This cannot be a one day event.  

Today MUST be a launching point.

And if you ever thought that your government was afraid of you this should be the confirmation.

Exhibit F (see April 13 post for Exhibits A-E)

The Department of Homeland Security has effectively put a target on anyone's back as a potential radical if you:  Don't like taxes,  don't like abortion, believe in states rights, believe in gun rights, and are white.   

This government has just put in place the perfect excuse to detain and arrest it's own citizens that express views that it doesn't like.  Declare it a safety issue and start rounding us up.  Start with the Republicans and then move on to the Libertarians.  

It's happening folks.  One piece at a time.   It's happening.

Monday, April 13, 2009

A perfect storm sits on the horizon.

Is this the perfect storm of span and control that will lead us to overarching government control?

"Rule 1: Never allow a crisis to go to waste," White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told the New York Times right after the election

Exhibit A
As the Obama admin forces many banks to take bailout money they dont need, then changes the rules under which the govt will now control them, and then refuse to take the money back when offered so they can maintain control.

Exhibit B
The Dem controlled congress has already been beating the drum to nationalize energy.

Exhibit C
Newspapers are tanking. The free press, as it were, has moved to the internet.  Government considering a bailout - I wonder what kind of Freedom of the Press to expect after that happens?  The administration doesn't like the Op-Ed?  Fire the Editor.

The Dem controlled congress wants to re-enact the Fairness Doctrine to reduce the amount of critical commentary on the radio.

Exhibit E
The Obama admin with the help of congress is pushing for a cybersecurity bill that would give the president authority to shut down the internet in case of "emergency". Public & private. Does anyone remember where the free press went?

Next will be some sort of nationalization of farms and other food production in the name of national security or public safety.   The government already props up much of the food production in US.  What would happen if that got cut back in the name of saving a few bucks on the $3.7 Trillion budget?  A new emergency perhaps?  That would be a good time to "bailout" the farms.

And the takeover will be complete.

All of these steps - taken in response to an "emergency" - leading down a path that will ultimately mean incredible government control of our everyday lives.   Each item taken individually looks relatively harmless.   Taken as a whole is a recipe for dictatorial rule.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Why is everything closed today....

when the Campaigner-in-Chief says we're not a christian nation?

All I wanted to do was replace some worn out shoes.   Shouldn't be a big deal.   I drive by many stores - national chains - publicly traded - not mom and pop shops - and they're all closed.  

On Easter Sunday.


I could understand opening late so make sure those employees with a particular religious leaning get to make it to church.   

But to not open at all.

it must be something bigger.  

Cuz we're just a nation of  citizens....


Even more confusing....

Virginia's Government offices are closed tomorrow.  For an Easter holiday.

They don't close for Yom Kippur, Kwanzaa, or Ramadan.....

But they close for Easter.

Someone must love that Bunny......

Or perhaps......The Teleprompter is wrong.....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why Does Obama Hate America?

It should now be obvious to anyone that is not under the Obamabot zombie curse that our Campaigner-in-Chief really does hate America and what it stands for - Freedom, Liberty, and Justice.

As the Presidential Teleprompter displayed for all the world to see, he does not believe in the America that won World War II, has committed billions of dollars in aid to nations in need, stared down communism and won.   He has no class when it comes to office of the President.   Leno?  Cheesy Trinkets for visiting dignitaries?  Kow-towing to other world leaders?  Seriously.  WTF?  


It reminds of a joke we used to have about a certain co-worker long ago.    
Q:  "Whats the difference between Roy and God?"
A:  "God doesn't think he's Roy."

This disdain for the office is in the image of Jimmy Carter, our worst President ever who has yet to get out of his own personal malaise.   This is in the image of Pelosi and Reid - both whacko extremists of their ever fragmented party.   But that should be no surprise t anyone.   He was tagged as more liberal than either of them during his 15 minutes in the Senate before he started running for President.

After two weeks of denigrating his own country across the entirety of Europe, then going to Turkey and doing the same, we find out he didn't even do it with a plan.   Didn't get anything in return.   No troop commitments to Afghanistan.   No money to help with the global economic issues.   Nothing.

Which leads me to believe that, he just plain old hates a free America.  That he wants to remake the entire country in his own distorted image.  That the constitution needs a "do-over" since it's been 283 years since those losers gave away all that power to the people.  What the hell did they know....they wore wigs for chrissakes.

But he can fix that.   Let's start by nationalizing everyone and everything that moves.  We're one simple majority vote (remember reconciliation?) away from saying that anyone that takes any government money will be under the thumb of government.   How long before your tax refund gets included in this equation?  Scarily, with the liberal mindset that all of the money you earn is theirs and they're nice enough to let you keep some, you may already be party to this control.

In a perfect example of American fortitude put up against the Campaigner-in-Chief's inability to do anything without polling data:   

An American flagged container ship was hijacked by Somali pirates.   The White House, after crafting the perfect press release said they were studying the problem.   The American crew took back their ship against armed pirates.  When last seen, the White House was crafting a perfect response charging that the American's aggression was uncalled for and they will be brought to justice.   

They're waiting on polling data before releasing the announcement.  Gotta make sure Soros and Company like the wording.  

The White House then apologized for our arrogance in thinking we had a right to our ship in international waters.  Nancy Pelosi announced a new bill nationalizing commercial shipping and transferring control to everyone's new friend Fidel.  Also, pending is a bill to transfer Navy resources to Fidel so those arrogant military types don't get any ideas like those unruly crewmembers from the freighter.    

The Presidential Teleprompter then praised the administration and it's friends in Congress for swift and decisive action that the world will see as a softening of American Imperialism.   

Cricket sounds were soon heard across the European continent.