Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why Does Obama Hate America?

It should now be obvious to anyone that is not under the Obamabot zombie curse that our Campaigner-in-Chief really does hate America and what it stands for - Freedom, Liberty, and Justice.

As the Presidential Teleprompter displayed for all the world to see, he does not believe in the America that won World War II, has committed billions of dollars in aid to nations in need, stared down communism and won.   He has no class when it comes to office of the President.   Leno?  Cheesy Trinkets for visiting dignitaries?  Kow-towing to other world leaders?  Seriously.  WTF?  


It reminds of a joke we used to have about a certain co-worker long ago.    
Q:  "Whats the difference between Roy and God?"
A:  "God doesn't think he's Roy."

This disdain for the office is in the image of Jimmy Carter, our worst President ever who has yet to get out of his own personal malaise.   This is in the image of Pelosi and Reid - both whacko extremists of their ever fragmented party.   But that should be no surprise t anyone.   He was tagged as more liberal than either of them during his 15 minutes in the Senate before he started running for President.

After two weeks of denigrating his own country across the entirety of Europe, then going to Turkey and doing the same, we find out he didn't even do it with a plan.   Didn't get anything in return.   No troop commitments to Afghanistan.   No money to help with the global economic issues.   Nothing.

Which leads me to believe that, he just plain old hates a free America.  That he wants to remake the entire country in his own distorted image.  That the constitution needs a "do-over" since it's been 283 years since those losers gave away all that power to the people.  What the hell did they know....they wore wigs for chrissakes.

But he can fix that.   Let's start by nationalizing everyone and everything that moves.  We're one simple majority vote (remember reconciliation?) away from saying that anyone that takes any government money will be under the thumb of government.   How long before your tax refund gets included in this equation?  Scarily, with the liberal mindset that all of the money you earn is theirs and they're nice enough to let you keep some, you may already be party to this control.

In a perfect example of American fortitude put up against the Campaigner-in-Chief's inability to do anything without polling data:   

An American flagged container ship was hijacked by Somali pirates.   The White House, after crafting the perfect press release said they were studying the problem.   The American crew took back their ship against armed pirates.  When last seen, the White House was crafting a perfect response charging that the American's aggression was uncalled for and they will be brought to justice.   

They're waiting on polling data before releasing the announcement.  Gotta make sure Soros and Company like the wording.  

The White House then apologized for our arrogance in thinking we had a right to our ship in international waters.  Nancy Pelosi announced a new bill nationalizing commercial shipping and transferring control to everyone's new friend Fidel.  Also, pending is a bill to transfer Navy resources to Fidel so those arrogant military types don't get any ideas like those unruly crewmembers from the freighter.    

The Presidential Teleprompter then praised the administration and it's friends in Congress for swift and decisive action that the world will see as a softening of American Imperialism.   

Cricket sounds were soon heard across the European continent. 

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