Monday, April 27, 2009

Hey! I've got a great idea!

Let's fly a bunch of jets really low over NYC but not let the general population know about it.   It'll be fun!!

Seriously, WTF?

Someone in the Pentagon is gonna get their ass handed to em.   Or at least they should.   If you really wanted a photo of the President's plane flying over the Statue of Liberty with a fighter escort, I bet you coulda used this little known application called Photoshop.

In fact, I bet if you took all of the money spent on jet fuel alone, you could have paid the most badass photoshop guy on the planet to do it - and made it look like the prez was flying the thing - with (insert star/starlette of your choice) as a steward - being held aloft with flying monkeys - there might've been room to include Obama's ego in the picture as well.  (maybe not, that may have cost extra and would cause one HUGE pic with a teeny tiny plane in it)

But that would be too easy.   Let's scare the daylights out of 8 million residents of NYC so we have an authentic pic.   Let's not even tell the Mayor.  They have no need to know.

And the government is the one we want to hand over control of...well...anything.   

If this is indicative of their good decisions (and I'm sure it is - regardless of who is at the controls) then we need to start taking away their control and put it back where it belongs.

 With "we the People".

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