Today is the day when all Americans are supposed to have sent in their tax filings which makes this the symbolically perfect day to protest what this Administration and Congress are doing to us.
I think it's pretty exciting to see the not-so-vocal side of our population start to make some noise. I'm sure the left will discount it as some sort of flash in the pan, but they should remember one thing.
The people that are showing up today in support of the Tea Parties are not you standard protester. They're not the "joiners" that the environmentalist, anarchist, "insert-your-cause-here-and-we'll-protest-ists".
These are the middle class workers that are the backbone of America. These are the people that quietly go about getting things done and not complaining about things while doing nothing. These are the people that join the military, that are our police, fireman, and paramedics. These are your plumbers, carpenters, and workmen. These are the small business owners that provide the majority of jobs in the country.
These are Americans. True Blue. Red Blooded. Just get it done, Americans.
And we're tired of our government taking from us. Taking and taking and taking. Under the threat of imprisonment we are forced to fund every government folly and Congress does nothing.
And this isn't just an Obama thing. In my opinion it doesn't matter whether your a Bush, a Clinton or an Obama. You have all spent too much. Asked too much. And taken too much.
And now we're on the verge of taking on an additional debt that will be the yoke on our future generations shoulders. Several generations. Take a look at the quote to the right under Jefferson's picture.
So I implore you. I beseech you. I beg you.
Don't stop after today. One day won't make a wit of difference. A couple of hours hanging out at a bitch-a-thon and then resuming normal life is not the way to make a change. And this is, for once, a change I can believe in. This is a change we need our employees on Capital Hill and in the White House to understand it's importance. It's significance.
So stay in touch with those you meet today. Keep the fire in your belly burning. Stay in touch via
websites and twitter and whatever other method you can. This cannot be a one day event.
Today MUST be a launching point.
And if you ever thought that your government was afraid of you this should be the confirmation.
Department of Homeland Security has effectively put a target on anyone's back as a potential radical if you: Don't like taxes, don't like abortion, believe in states rights, believe in gun rights, and are white.
This government has just put in place the perfect excuse to detain and arrest it's own citizens that express views that it doesn't like. Declare it a safety issue and start rounding us up. Start with the Republicans and then move on to the Libertarians.
It's happening folks. One piece at a time. It's happening.