Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A new legacy for Iraq

Brought to them straight from the United States.

The withdrawal timeline calls for US troops to be out of the cities by June 30.   There is understandable concern that the Iraqi Police and Troops aren't quite ready to take on that job.  Commanders on the ground have said as much as recently as last month.

But, in a move straight out of American politics, the Prime Minister is more worried about his political future than that of his nation.   From the article linked above:

Asking U.S. forces to stay in the cities, including volatile Mosul in the north, would be embarrassing for Iraq's prime minister, who has staked his political future on claims that the country has turned the corner in the war against Sunni and Shiite extremists.

I hope this isn't the only legacy we've left after so many years.

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