Friday, May 8, 2009

Unions and Barack's Jack booted Thugs

If it wasn't already becoming obvious that the Campaigner in Chief was openly beholden to the Unions (card check anyone?) here are three more examples - one of which stomps all over states rights.  I guess this is what $100 million in donations to Democrat campaigns last year will buy you.

This is the case of Chrysler lenders - with secured loans - being screwed over and intimidated by Obama in favor of unsecured lenders, the UAW.  It's a mugging pure and simple.

In a nutshell - unions won't have the disclosure requirements for how they spend their member's dues.   There are non-profits that have a use on this planet that have to report more detailed info than these gangster run unions.

So California - being this biggest entitlement state in the US - is having a budget crisis.  A big one.   So part of their efforts at balancing the budget included cutting the wages of some employees.   Of course, these are Unionized workers, so Barack "Che" Obama has stepped in and is once again strong arming on behalf of the unions.  And completely stampeding states rights in favor of his One Big Global Government ideal.  

And finally, for today, in addition to strong arming anyone that gets in the way of his Union buddies (you know the ones, "Rocko", "Sticky Fingers", "Big Nose", "Fat Tony" and the rest) - now he's doubling his army of tax enforcers.   Sheriff of Nottinghams if you will.  

I'm no Oracle but even I can read these tea leaves (sorry for the mixed metaphor).  

The USofA I grew up in is not going to be the same one that my little girls will get to enjoy.  

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In a developing story....

And one that brings to light the folly that is more government oversight and intrusion into our lives.   The Commonwealth of Virginia's big pharmacy cross-check database has been hacked

Well, hacked may be technically correct.   

What's really happened is that this database of over 8 million residents of Virginia has been stolen and held hostage.   Not to mention the 35 million prescription transactions associated with these 8 million residents.

Can you say HIPPA violation?

Can you say lack of oversight by a government that has outsourced it's IT?

Can you say lawsuit?

Why did it take a week before the story broke?   What if those extortionists have already started using the information for identity theft?   The citizens of Virginia may already be screwed.  

What I want to know is how much oversight into the Campaigner-in-Chief's new sweeping electronic health care record initiative will his new Chief Technology Officer (CTO) be involved in?  I only ask because he was the guy in charge of Virginia's now hacked and stolen IT systems.

My next question is why does the government need this personal information?   You can claim it's to avoid prescription drug abuse, but really?   Seriously?   How are there 8 million citizens in there?   Are they worried about birth control abuse?   Are you telling me that there are 8 million people just in virginia using serious narcotics that need to be tracked?    As of July 2008  there are only 7.7 million citizens - and I know I'm not on any prescriptions.   Hell, most people I know aren't on any heavy mind altering prescriptions.  

So why are there so many?  And how long does Big Brother and King Kaine plan on keeping this hacker smorgasbord of identity information up and online?   Forever?   

And what is the Commonwealth going to do when they find out that these thieves are from russia, the ukraine, north korea, or wherever?   Will they pay the ransom?   Will we all learn who is taking oxycontin, zoloft or AZT?  

And what will they do when those Names, Addresses and Social Security numbers hit the net? 

My guess is they'll play Alfred E Neuman and say "What?  Me worry?"

They don't seem to have worried much about protecting the information, so why start now?

Be very afraid - and very opposed - to the Teleprompter's big plans to be able to hold your healthcare data.  

It's big Brother.

It's unnecessary.

It's just a bad idea.

A new legacy for Iraq

Brought to them straight from the United States.

The withdrawal timeline calls for US troops to be out of the cities by June 30.   There is understandable concern that the Iraqi Police and Troops aren't quite ready to take on that job.  Commanders on the ground have said as much as recently as last month.

But, in a move straight out of American politics, the Prime Minister is more worried about his political future than that of his nation.   From the article linked above:

Asking U.S. forces to stay in the cities, including volatile Mosul in the north, would be embarrassing for Iraq's prime minister, who has staked his political future on claims that the country has turned the corner in the war against Sunni and Shiite extremists.

I hope this isn't the only legacy we've left after so many years.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Orwell, Alinsky, and the Teleprompter

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'" 

And so it is with our current President.  He denies that this upcoming debt on our children and grandchildren is his doing.   He denies that he ever heard Jeremiah Wright speak ill of America.   He denies his relationship with Bill Ayers.   And the "journalists" report it as fact.  It gets documented and not investigated.   And it becomes the truth.

That quote at the top is straight from Orwell's 1984.   A book that talks about the all powerful government.  The one that is only looking out for it's citizens.   It's only interest is in the well being of the masses and not the individual.   And therefor the individual loses freedom in the name of protecting the masses.

"A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage -- the political paradise of communism."

--Saul Alinksy, Rules for Radicals, 1971

Does this sound like anyone you know?   Just this weekend our Campaigner in Chief describes how the financial sector will play a less significant role in our future economy.  How government will soon be the arbiter of all things money.   One day he declares he thinks that Chrysler will be fine and the very next day his administration is strong arming financial and investment companies to prop up Chrysler during bankruptcy.

We are currently embroiled in the "revolution to end capitalism".

The effective nationalization of industry, banking and trade in the US is the result of this "revolution".  The effort to effectively bankrupt the country is part of this revolution.   The Presidents constant efforts at portraying anyone that is successful as evil (all the while Michelle runs around in $500 tennis shoes) is part of this revolution.  Class warfare is without a doubt part of this revolution.

"'The organizer's first job is to create the issues or problems,' and 'organizations must be based on many issues.' The organizer 'must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act. . . . An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent.

-- Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, 1971

And now the Democrat party has purchased it's filibuster proof majority in the Senate by promising to help get a an old power hungry politician elected if he switches parties.   All the pieces are in place for a complete leftward movement.  The House has no fears that it's radical legislation will be stalled in the Senate so expect to see Speaker Pelosi start up the entitlement engine and rev it up to full power.

It's time, no, it's past time, for the freedom loving, the liberty loving, the constitution loving part of our society to make themselves known.   The Tea Parties were a good start - but what's next?  We must continue to make our displeasure known.   We must continue to let our representatives in government know that this is unacceptable.  We must start looking at the Republican leadership and let them know they've lost their way.

And we must be willing to look for another answer.

While the Republicans blew their chance to show that conservatism is about smaller government, more liberty and more freedom the Democrats have swooped in.   It is George W. Bush and the Republicans that failed us and opened the door to the future of Marxism/Socialism.  Their polarization to the far right and giving so much power to the christian block is what has turned many away.

I urge you to look at the libertarian party as an alternative.   A belief in personal liberty and freedom are the foundations of the Libertarian Party.  Do me a favor.  Read their platform.  You won't agree with all of it, but I bet you don't agree with all of the Republican Party platform either.  Read it.  And see which one strikes you as more conservative.   As more true to the founding father's vision.

And tell me I'm wrong.