One of the most irritating things I find with today's Democrats is the constant victim mentality that brings about incessant whineyness. The constant refrain that even though they lost that they "deserve" something or that the loss was due to some big conspiracy. Now, that this has been embedded in liberal DNA it's coming back to bite them.
This is evident in the way that the Democrat Party is divided by those who won the primary and those who did not - but just can't let it go. The articles titled "Clinton die-hards voice anger in convention protest" and "Many Clinton Supporters Say Speech Didn't Heal Divisions" say it all. It talks about not being able to "Forgive" Obama. Forgive? What in the world has he done that deserves "forgiveness" other than win a political contest? They demand that 18 million votes should count for something. Um - they did. But you still lost. And now the victims are coming out of the woodwork to claim the DNC set it up and made their candidate lose - so it's a conspiracy and they have been wronged!
I just don't get it. But I'm glad to see they're starting to eat their own. This is the same whiney bullshit that has come out of the last two elections. Obviously if you lose, it's not because the other guys was better, it's because the other guy cheated. It's this mentality that forces the DNC and RNC to send lawyers to polling places in advance. To pre-build the case that the other side cheated and is trying to disenfranchise the voter. This just shows how fragmented the Democratic party is and it's a serious point of weakness. This also shows whats wrong with our two partys. Extreme Left and Extreme Right - both foregoing common sense, principles, and the constitution in order to consolidate power and win an election.
It's also interesting that in many polls Sen Obama is losing ground instead of getting the historical bump in the polls from his VP announcement and the convention. This only further fuels the fires that Hillary stoked by saying he can't beat McCain.
Of course, former President Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton hasn't been helping much with his back handed and under his breath comments about Obama. One thing I've got to give the Billary Team some credit for is that they've always been good at triangulation and strategery so you know that these comments, as well as the insistance that her name be entered into nomination thereby keeping her supports foaming at the mouth, are all part of a grander plan.
The only grander plan I can think of is that they really want Obama to lose so they can give out a triple dose of "i told ya so" and not have to wait 8 years to give it another shot. Hillary is 60 and waiting 4 years isn't a big deal. Eight years however....that may be a bit too much since they're making such a big deal about McCain's age. I truly believe the Clintons are power hungry and would prefer another Democrat loss over having to wait even longer for another shot.
I've watched about 10 total minute of the convention this week. It wasn't 10 minutes in a row - I just can't take much of reporters/hournalists fawning over the Dem effette. It's disgusting to watch but i'll be interested to see if the same reporters and news network play as nice at the RNC . I did catch one small segment that interested me - and showed the bias of this particular broadcast.
They were posting comments up on a big screen that were coming from John Q Citizen - and all of them were showing support for raising taxes. Every one of them. Some were well written and slammed Bush's MBA with statements about not knowing that raising revenue is what is needed when businesses need more money. Not one of them mentioned reducing costs or gave an opposing view. I wonder what the political inclination of the folks picking the posts could be? Reducing costs is usually the first step in business when money gets tight. No one likes to tell their customers that the price is going up because some customers won't accept it.....except the government, and they think it's their money anyway. My point is, this is a strong indicator of what to expect if there is an Obama administration.
Raising taxes to distribute wealth based on a socialist ideal of equality and not based on effort or talent.
I'm gonna stop now before I spin off into 30 more paragraphs about taxes, government and impending socialism.
Donald, You're Tired ... Time to Move On
8 years ago