When are politicians going to actually grow some spine?
I've been watching the spectacle that is the presidential primary marathon (why the hell did they start so early?) and once the Republican nominee was done it was time to turn our attention to the dueling victims Barack and Hillary. Why "victims", because at one point or another each of these campaigns has either stated, or hinted, that there were racist/sexist intentions in the voters hearts as a way of explaining their poor results in various state races. Oh woe is me. And the scary part is that one of these two victim mongers will probably be leading the US for the next four years. Of course, the choice on the other side of the aisle isn't any better. Perhaps Bob Barr has a chance.....
But now that it looks like Senator Obama will get the nomination his endorsers are coming out of the closet. Which is the point of todays rant.
The spineless Super Delegates and other political figures that have held back their choice until someone looks like a clear winner carry some of the blame for this primary season being so up in the air. If these "undecided" folks had any common sense, moral compass, intestinal fortitude or whatever you want to call it...they would have thrown their support behind the candidate that they felt was best for their party and their country.
Instead, they wait to place their bets moments before the race is finished. It's a purely selfish move intended to make sure they don't publicly back a losing candidate. It has nothing to do with making the right choice - but the politically correct choice. It's also about selling their "vote" or endorsement to the highest bidder. Whether it's backing for major initiatives/pet projects or the ambassadorship to a cozy but stable island nation. These super delegates are SELLING their vote and with the race as tight as it's been, it's a bull market for Super Delegate Votes.
The same goes for those politicians that aren't one of the chosen Supers. John Edwards finally endorsed Obama - and there's talk of VP-ness in his future. His endorsement was bought and paid for by that possibility. We have to wonder if the Obama/Clinton roles were reversed would Edwards be talking about how Hillary understands the two americas?
Don't misunderstand. If the Republican race were turning out like the Dem race, those Republicans would be doing the same thing. There isn't much difference in the acts/actions of todays politician.
I must say, and this isn't easy for me to type, but Ted Kennedy is about the only politico that came out early with his endorsement and has stuck by it. Mr Chappaquiddick earned a little bit of my respect for showing some spine and casting his lot early. Of course, at his age/stature he really doesn't have much to lose if he ends up backing the wrong horse. I'm sure there have been others - and they too should be commended.
To the rest of them - grow a pair.
Donald, You're Tired ... Time to Move On
8 years ago